TGXX 技术团队简介 A Brief Introduction to TGXX Technical Team

2018-03-05 17:53:36 来源:中国商业观察网

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The TGxx technical team, called “Fly Dog”, is a powerful team on the U.S. Wall Street, which professionally undertakes the Internet technical R&D. Established in 2001, the team has consecutively participated in the R&D construction and tutorship of transaction systems of stocks and foreign exchanges at many prestigious banks. The team has made marvelous achievements in various fields, such as big data finance, computerized biometric and cryptology, which plays an indispensable role in technical teams on the Wall Street.

TGxx技术团队全称fly dog,是美国华尔街专业从事互联网技术研发的一支实力派团队,该团队成立于2001年,先后参与众多知名银行及股票外汇交易系统的研发建设与辅导。在大数据金融领域及计算机生物识别,密码学等领域有着颇高的造诣,是华尔街众多技术团队中不可或缺的一薪。

Since its establishment in 2010, the TGXX technical team has focused on the block-chain technology R&D and corresponding applications. At present, the team has successfully developed a series of mature digital agricultural block-chain application system, which will be open to the whole world in the middle of March, 2018. Please pay attention to TGXX’s progress.

TGXX技术团队自2010年以来,将目标锁定于区块链技术的研发及应用方面的研究。目前,TGXX技术团队已经成功地开发出一套成熟的数字农业区块链应用系统,将在2018年3月中旬面试全球,敬请关注TGXX的进展 。


Fly Dog Team

1207 KooterStreet, 10th Floor, Room 1006,NY,US

